5 Quotes & Sayings By Joan Borysenko

Joan Borysenko is an internationally renowned researcher, author and speaker on the mind/body connection. As a clinician, she has been practicing clinical hypnosis for more than thirty years. She has spent most of her professional career as a teacher and researcher at Harvard Medical School, the Massachusetts General Hospital and the University of Massachusetts Medical School. Joan is co-founder of the Center for Mind-Body Medicine and founder of the Center for Mind-Body Education Read more

She is also president and founder of the National Center for Complimentary and Integrative Medicine (NCCIM).

Perhaps the hardest lesson to learn is not to be...
Perhaps the hardest lesson to learn is not to be attached to the results of your actions. Joan Borysenko
There is a nearly unerring, unconscious radar that zeros in on relationships that repeat our childhood experiences. Joan Borysenko
We emerge into the light not by denying our pain, but by walking through it. Joan Borysenko
You are at my side, dear friends, and God is everywhere. Yet ultimately we are alone, making our way home by the candle of the heart. The light is steady and sure but extends only far enough to see the next step. Many times the light seems to go out. But another light, one held by a stranger or friend, a book or a song, a blackbird or a wild flower, comes close enough so that we can see our path by its light. And in time we realize that the light we have borrowed was always our own. Joan Borysenko